47. It has been proved that the sacraments of the Church are more ancient. Now recognize that they are also superior. It was in fact a marvelous thing that God rained down manna for the fathers and they were fed daily on the food of heaven. This is why it says, “man ate the bread of angels” (Psalm 78:25). But even though they ate that bread, they all died in the desert. But the food you receive is the living bread which came down from heaven. It furnishes the substance of eternal life. And whoever eats this bread will not die eternally. It is the body of Christ.

48. Consider now whether the bread of angels or the flesh of Christ is more excellent. That flesh is certainly the body of life. That manna came from heaven; this one is beyond heaven. That one was of heaven; this is from the Lord of heaven. That one was liable to corruption if it stayed until the next day. This one is free of all corruption because whoever devoutly tastes it cannot feel corruption. For them water flowed from the rock (Ex 17:6); for you blood flows from Christ. Water satisfied them for a time; the blood washes you for eternity. A Jew drank and still thirsted; when you drink you cannot thirst. That one was in a shadow; this one is in truth.

49. If you marvel at that which is a shadow, how great is that which the shadow points to. Listen that a shadow took place among the fathers: He [the apostle] says, They drank from the rock that followed them; that rock was Christ. But with most of them God was not pleased for they died in the desert (1 Co. 10:4,5). But these things happened as figures for us. You have recognized more excellent things for the light is more powerful than the shadow, truth than the figure, the body of the creator than manna from heaven.

47. Probatum est antiquiora esse Ecclesiae sacramenta, nunc cognosce potiora. Revera mirabile est quod manna Deus pluerit patribus, et quotidiano coeli pascebantur alimento. Unde dictum est: Panem angelorum manducavit homo. Sed tamen panem illum qui manducaverunt, omnes in deserto mortui sunt: ista autem esca quam accipis, iste panis vivus qui descendit de coelo, vitae aeternae substantiam subministrat; et quicumque hunc manducaverit, non morietur in aeternum: et est corpus Christi.


48. Considera nunc praestantior sit panis angelorum, an caro Christi, quae utique corpus est vitae. Manna illud e coelo, hoc supra coelum; illud coeli, hoc Domini coelorum: illud corruptioni obnoxium, si in diem alterum servaretur; hoc alienum ab omni corruptione, quod quicumque religiose gustaverit, corruptionem sentire non poterit. Illis aqua de petra fluxit tibi sanguis e Christo illos ad horam satiavit aqua, te sanguis diluit in aeternum. Judaeus bibit, et sitit: tu cum biberis, sitire non poteris: et illud in umbra, hoc in veritate.

 49. Si illud quod miraris, umbra est; quantum istud est, cujus et umbram miraris! Audi quia umbra est quae apud patres facta est: Bibebant, inquit, de consequenti eos petra: petra autem erat Christus. Sed non in pluribus eorum complacitum est Deo; nam prostrati sunt in deserto (I Cor. X, 4, 5). Haec autem in figura facta sunt nostra. Cognovisti praestantiora; potior est enim lux quam umbra, veritas quam figura, corpus auctoris quam manna de coelo.