John Chrysostom (346-407)
But when he calls on the Holy Spirit and completes that awesome sacrifice, he lays hold of the one who is the common Master of all. In what order shall we place him? Tell me. How much purity and piety shall we demand of him? Ponder what kind of hands a priest should...
John Chrysostom (346-407)
1. And what a wonder it is if you stand with the Seraphim in that place where the Seraphim dare not touch. God gave you these things with freedom from fear. He says, “He sent one of the Seraphim to me and he had a ember of fire which he took from the altar with tongs....
John Chrysostom (346-407)
But he [Paul] did not say “dwelling as incomprehensible light” but “inaccessible” which is something greater than incomprehensible. Incomprehensible is used when something sought and explored is not grasped by those who seek to know it. Inaccessible, on the other...