John Chrysostom (346-407)
[Excerpt 1]: Because of this I greet and love this day [of Christ’s birth] and I put love front and center that I may make you sharers of this love-charm. For this reason, I beg and entreat you all to be here with all diligence and readiness for each should empty his...
John Chrysostom (346-407)
The priesthood exercises itself on earth but possesses an array of heavenly orders. This is very fitting. It is not a man, not angel, not an archangel, not any other creature, but the Advocate (Paraclete) himself who has commanded this arrangement. He impelled those...
John Chrysostom (346-407)
Picture Elijah with your eyes, and a boundless crowd standing around with the sacrifice lying on the stones, and all the rest of the people in quiet and silence with only the prophet praying. Then suddenly a flame descends from heaven upon the sacrificial animal....
John Chrysostom (346-407)
When you see the Lord sacrificed and lying there and the priest standing with the sacrifice praying along with all who have become red with that precious blood, then do you still think you are among men and standing on earth? Rather, aren’t you immediately transported...
John Chrysostom (346-407)
Away with madness! For madness clearly overlooks such a great foundation (ἀρχή) without which we have neither salvation or obtain the good things proclaimed to us. For if no one can enter the kingdom of heaven except he is born again through water and the Spirit, and...
John Chrysostom (346-407)
For I think that the boldness of Moses and of Elijah are not ever sufficient for such a great supplication. As he was entrusted with the whole world, and himself the father of all, so he [the priest] is attached to God to beg for the cessation of wars everywhere, for...